bestmobilecryptogames| Sharp and Xiaomi sign a wireless communications patent cross-licensing agreement: revoke previous litigation

editor2024-05-27 14:41:3618Academia

Fast Technology News on May 27bestmobilecryptogamesAccording to Sharp's official website announcement, Sharp and Xiaomi recently signed a wireless communication technology patent cross-licensing agreement.

It mentioned that based on honest negotiations, Sharp Corporation ("Sharp") and Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co., Ltd.("Xiaomi") reached an agreement on cross-licensing of patents related to wireless communication technology between the two parties.

With the agreement reached, Sharp also dropped the lawsuit it filed in China in September 2022.

Sharp said it has licensed standard essential patents for wireless communication technology to many leading companies in the telecommunications equipment and automotive industries in Japan, the United States, Europe, China and South Korea.

Sharp continues to expand the number of licensees and continues to grant its standard essential patent licenses to any other party on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms.

It is reported that although Sharp has gradually faded out of the mainstream market in the mobile phone industry, it has been committed to developing wireless technologies such as W-CDMA and LTE for the past 20 years.

Through active patent application work, Sharp now has more than 6000 necessary patents and has authorized them to many communication equipment manufacturers.

Patent cross-licensing agreements are also used to resolve patent disputes, just like Sharp and Xiaomi.

bestmobilecryptogames| Sharp and Xiaomi sign a wireless communications patent cross-licensing agreement: revoke previous litigation

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Editor in charge: Jian Jia