playmoneyarcade| The 8th French Science and Technology Innovation Exhibition: AI perfume machines customize personalized fragrances

editor2024-05-26 07:15:1718abcjili

News summary

AI perfume machines shine in the science and technology innovation exhibition, using algorithms to customize personalized perfumes, arousing investors 'personalized trends in the perfume industryplaymoneyarcadeconcern.

Newsletter text

[French Science and Technology Innovation Exhibition triggers a craze for perfume machines] At the 8th French Science and Technology Innovation Exhibition, a companyplaymoneyarcadeThe AI perfume customization system has attracted much attention. Visitors only need to fill out the online questionnaire, and the machine can analyze the answers, gain insight into the user's personality, and customize a unique aroma.

playmoneyarcade| The 8th French Science and Technology Innovation Exhibition: AI perfume machines customize personalized fragrances