lynn'sarcade| Changing the gameplay of 618, how can home furnishing companies break out of the encirclement?

editor2024-05-27 12:35:0218abcjili

The other dayLynn'sarcadeThe "618" promotion kicked off in the middle of the year. On the opening day, many brands made good news and welcomed the "good start".

Compared with the 618 promotion in previous years, the rules have been adjusted this year, and the major e-commerce platforms have cancelled the pre-sale mechanism one after another to provide users with a more adequate and complete decision-making cycle from the perspective of users.

The promotion time of is about 30 days, and the activity cycle of Taotan and pinduoduo platform is even as long as 32 days. For merchants, this means longer-term tests, more urgent delivery times and more severe warehousing pressure.

First, why do the major platforms cancel the pre-sale?

Looking back in 2012, Tmall introduced the pre-sale model of the real estate industry into e-commerce promotion for the first time, lengthening the time scale of the shopping carnival by locking the goods in advance and agreeing on the time to pay the final payment. so that small and medium-sized e-commerce with weaker ability to integrate the supply chain can also split and promote traffic.

Pre-sale system used to be an important strategy for e-commerce platforms to attract consumers. Compared with the strong big brands, the supply chain system of small and medium-sized e-commerce is not perfect, lack of commercial flexibility, and often face demand pressure during the period of great promotion, and the pre-sale system distributes user orders to different time nodes. to a certain extent, slow down the short-term "peak" impact.

This model, on the one hand, alleviates the pressure of technical support of e-commerce platform, on the other hand, it provides scheduling space for merchants' production, warehousing, logistics, delivery, after-sales and other links. However, the deficiency of this model is also very obvious, there are problems such as arbitrary price adjustment, delayed delivery, non-return and exchange, which greatly affect the shopping experience of consumers.

The cancellation of pre-sale is the inevitable result of the development of today's market. With the change of consumption concept, China has entered the era of consumer sovereignty, and users are more rational and cautious when shopping online. Canceling the pre-sale to a certain extent can help consumers shorten the decision-making cost and eventually facilitate the transaction.

Especially for household, household appliances and other rigid demand products, the mid-year promotion is regarded as an important node of the "burst order". Tmall's latest disclosure data show that after 4 hours of sale, household appliance brands broke out. The turnover of 23 brands, such as Dyson, Haier, Hisense, Xiaomi, Lin's Home, Quanyou, and so on, exceeded 100 million, and 119 items sold more than 10 million yuan.

lynn'sarcade| Changing the gameplay of 618, how can home furnishing companies break out of the encirclement?

Second, how do household enterprises bear the pressure?

At the beginning of the big promotion, the first release is often the purchase demand that users give priority to purchase and only wait for a big promotion of price reduction. This part of users pay more attention to the availability of online shopping. Therefore, the limitation of service has a direct impact on users' consumption experience.

The head enterprises represented by Ikea, Mousse, Lin Home, Genji Muyu, four Seasons Mu Song and Zhibang Home (603801) have responded to the continuous blowout service demand through the "brand + ten thousand masters" service model to ensure the real-time delivery of goods. optimize user shopping experience.

As a strategic partner of many well-known household brands, Master Wan has already got through e-commerce shopping platforms such as, Douyin and pinduoduo, realizing system docking with one button, and orders are introduced into the background in real time. Home e-commerce enterprises of any size are able to batch order installation, door-to-door delivery and installation and other services through the Wanshi platform to achieve efficient landing of goods.

With the help of Wan Shifu platform, household e-commerce merchants of any size can find the most suitable delivery solution, build a sound service system covering the whole country, place orders with one click, make 3 quotations within 1 minute, and make an appointment within 2 hours. the average service time is about 31.Lynn'sarcade.7h . The ultimate time-effectiveness of service, help household enterprises to deliver efficiently, steal the market, and protect consumer experience throughout the process.

According to public data, as of November 2023, Master Wan has settled in more than 2.6 million, serving 3294 districts / counties in 368 cities across the country, with a total of more than 120 million services. According to the data of Qipu, it is equivalent to serving more than 1 and 5 families in the country. With strong service supply and coverage ability to protect the brand after-sales radius, help household goods sold to the whole country.

Third, the solution: both price and service.

This year, "618" collided with "520". Under the background of the normalization of sales promotion on e-commerce platform, consumers' focus has changed significantly, from looking at low prices to focusing on comprehensive price ratio and integrated service experience.

The results of public research show that 50% of consumers pay attention to price and promotion efforts, 44% value the guarantee of authentic products on the platform, and 34% value the comprehensive shopping experience of product power, price power and service power.

In terms of consumption attitude and consumption mode, 48% of users "pursue the ultimate cost-effective ratio." Among them, the ultimate performance-to-price ratio is not cheaper than expected or the lowest price of the whole network, but a good comprehensive experience, which refers to the comprehensive brand, quality, logistics, value-added services and other factors to make users happy and comfortable consumption experience.

Home furnishings and household appliances have non-standard, large, fragile and other inherent attributes, and the delivery cycle is long, so it is very important to deliver the "last kilometer" on the ground.

In order to ensure the service quality, Master Wan formulates a strict audit mechanism and promotion mechanism, strengthens the master skills through regular training, and continuously improves the service quality.

In the face of the peak shopping season such as 618 and double 11, Master Wan carries out special training, covering service skills such as APP operation, reservation communication and reasonable order arrangement, to help masters deal with a large number of orders efficiently and improve service quality and efficiency.

As the first batch of specialized and special new enterprises in Guangdong Province, Wan Shifu aggregates national high-quality service resources in crowdsourcing mode, and relies on LBS, big data, cloud computing and AI technology to complete the accurate docking of the relationship between supply and demand in real time, deeply analyze the portraits of users and masters, and accurately push orders to professional household masters with double matching "skills + positioning" according to service demand.

Based on the intelligent order pushing algorithm, the distance and time cost before the master service is greatly reduced, and the service efficiency is effectively improved. On the one hand, the master can arrange the working time reasonably according to the demand orientation and take orders in an orderly manner; on the other hand, putting aside the pre-service factors, the master quotation is more pure, so users can enjoy efficient and cost-effective performance services.

Economists believe that the brand concept of "let users choose freely and let masters operate independently" put forward by Master Wan is fully in line with the update of consumer demand caused by changes in consumers' lifestyle.

Up to now, there is still a serious trust problem between buyers and sellers in the home industry. as a safe, open and transparent trading place, the platform provides secured transactions for both parties, improves efficiency through accurate matching, and relies on commercial insurance to ensure security throughout the process. effectively resolve the information gap, gradually break the gap, and establish mutual trust.

It is reported that in response to the "old-for-new" strategy of major brands, Master Wan has launched "old-for-new" supporting after-sales services, covering all categories such as furniture, home appliances, kitchen and bathroom, lamps, drying, smart home, and whole-house customization. Enterprises of any size can choose Master Wan to undertake full-process services such as door-to-door delivery, demolition, handling, and replacement, to solve the replacement needs of users and merchants in a one-stop manner.

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